
We are a mother and daughter blog exploring the benefits of healthy eating, while incorporating French culture and tradition.

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Escape to My France

French Brocante and Cooking Retreat

So Much Glue

So Much Glue

We thought we would give you guys an update on a room that we are trying to fix up at the moment.  This is a bedroom that we didn't picture on the blog post "tour" of our house because its been a bit messy the past couple of days.  This room is probably one of our favorites, it has a beautiful balcony that looks out onto our pool and backyard.  But unfortunately we haven't been using the room that much, because it needs a couple of fixes.  To start, the floor.  We don't have a before picture, but basically the entire floor was covered in cheap, black tile.  Underneath the tile is the original flooring that is found throughout the house.  We are yet to finish, but we would say that we are about halfway done!  The tiles are so old, that its really difficult to remove them.  So we have been sitting there and scraping at the the glue and concrete.  And trust us when we say the glue has become our worst enemy. Its been slow and tedious, but we keep going because we are almost done!  Plus the room is going to look ten times better with the red tiles! We will update you guys later, once we have completely finished the room!       

Whipping Up a Quick and Delicious Dinner!

Whipping Up a Quick and Delicious Dinner!

Another Simple Lunch

Another Simple Lunch