
We are a mother and daughter blog exploring the benefits of healthy eating, while incorporating French culture and tradition.

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Escape to My France

French Brocante and Cooking Retreat

Baked Falafels

Baked Falafels

We often look at other food blogs or cooking books for inspiration for our meals. We recently discovered Hot For Food, a Youtube channel that offers vegan inspired meals. We decided to make these falafels, and they were amazing! Usually falafels can be a little dry but these were perfect. The process was super simple (you just need a great food processor/blender) and the results were delicious. 

Along with the falafel we made a Taboulé (tabbouleh), a couscous and parsley dish. Here is a great recipe for a Taboulé, it makes for a perfect dish on a hot summer day as it is served cold.  



Vegetable Tajine

Vegetable Tajine